Robin George Collingwood (1889-1943)

polski indeks filozoficzny

indeks tematyczny
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indeks recenzji

Religion and Philosophy. 1916.

Speculum Mentis. 1924.

An Essay on Philosophical Method. 1933; revised ed. 2005.

The Principles of Art. 1938.

An Autobiography. 1939; revised ed. 2013.
Autobiografia : z dziejów mojego myślenia. Szyroka, Izabela (tłum., wstęp., przypisy). Kraków, Nomos, 2013. Ss. XXVIII+159.

An Essay on Metaphysics. 1940; revised ed. 1998.

The New Leviathan. 1942; revised ed. 1992.

The Idea of Nature. 1945.

The Idea of History. 1946; revised ed. 1993.

Essays in the Philosophy of Art. Donagan, A. (ed.). 1964.

Essays in the Philosophy of History. Debbins, W. (ed.). 1965.

Faith and Reason: Essays in the Philosophy of Religion. Rubinoff, L. (ed.). 1968.

Essays in Political Philosophy. Boucher, D. (ed.). 1989.

The Principles of History. Dray, W. H.; Dussen, Jan Van der (eds.). 1999.

The Philosophy of Enchantment. Boucher, David; James, Wendy; Smallwood, Philip (eds.). 2005.